Firing Squad, 2017
Firing Squad, 2017

Aquatint, photo transfer, drypoint etching

Split the Coast, 2019
Split the Coast, 2019

Soap ground, aquatint, drypoint etching

Namesake Cat, A Burning Cow (Pigeons Between Tongues), 2019
Namesake Cat, A Burning Cow (Pigeons Between Tongues), 2019

Drypoint etching

In Crisis, 2017
In Crisis, 2017

Three-plate intaglio.

Aquatint, photo transfer, dry point

Razed, 2017
Razed, 2017

aquatint intaglio

Stick Shift to the Nudist Camp, 2019
Stick Shift to the Nudist Camp, 2019

Aquatint, drypoint etching

all, entire, whole, 2016
all, entire, whole, 2016

Soft ground and drypoint etching

Thermai, 2019
Thermai, 2019

Dry point etching

Weavers, 2017
Weavers, 2017

Soap ground, aquatint, drypoint etching

Pale Horse, 2019
Pale Horse, 2019

Soap ground, aquatint, drypoint etching

Bank Statement, 2016
Bank Statement, 2016

Two-plate, aquatint, drypoint etching

The Flipside of Cows and Kicking Up Dirt, 2019
The Flipside of Cows and Kicking Up Dirt, 2019


Firing Squad, 2017
Split the Coast, 2019
Namesake Cat, A Burning Cow (Pigeons Between Tongues), 2019
In Crisis, 2017
Razed, 2017
Stick Shift to the Nudist Camp, 2019
all, entire, whole, 2016
Thermai, 2019
Weavers, 2017
Pale Horse, 2019
Bank Statement, 2016
The Flipside of Cows and Kicking Up Dirt, 2019
Firing Squad, 2017

Aquatint, photo transfer, drypoint etching

Split the Coast, 2019

Soap ground, aquatint, drypoint etching

Namesake Cat, A Burning Cow (Pigeons Between Tongues), 2019

Drypoint etching

In Crisis, 2017

Three-plate intaglio.

Aquatint, photo transfer, dry point

Razed, 2017

aquatint intaglio

Stick Shift to the Nudist Camp, 2019

Aquatint, drypoint etching

all, entire, whole, 2016

Soft ground and drypoint etching

Thermai, 2019

Dry point etching

Weavers, 2017

Soap ground, aquatint, drypoint etching

Pale Horse, 2019

Soap ground, aquatint, drypoint etching

Bank Statement, 2016

Two-plate, aquatint, drypoint etching

The Flipside of Cows and Kicking Up Dirt, 2019


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