 Chappaquiddick: 1,200 ton mansion, basketball court, swimming pool and guest house moved 275 feet away from eroding cliff edge. Concentric circle memorial erected at original location.  Multi-million dollar project only guaranteed to keep the house

Chappaquiddick: 1,200 ton mansion, basketball court, swimming pool and guest house moved 275 feet away from eroding cliff edge. Concentric circle memorial erected at original location.

Multi-million dollar project only guaranteed to keep the house from the sea for five years.

 Detail of 3.5’ x 5’ Intaglio aquatint on canvas

Detail of 3.5’ x 5’ Intaglio aquatint on canvas

 Chappaquiddick: 1,200 ton mansion, basketball court, swimming pool and guest house moved 275 feet away from eroding cliff edge. Concentric circle memorial erected at original location.  Multi-million dollar project only guaranteed to keep the house
 Detail of 3.5’ x 5’ Intaglio aquatint on canvas

Chappaquiddick: 1,200 ton mansion, basketball court, swimming pool and guest house moved 275 feet away from eroding cliff edge. Concentric circle memorial erected at original location.

Multi-million dollar project only guaranteed to keep the house from the sea for five years.

Detail of 3.5’ x 5’ Intaglio aquatint on canvas

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